You will love Through the Woods if:
But if you want to sleep soundly tonight, beware. Through the Woods will lurk in the corner shadows and slink into your dreams.
Through the Woods is a graphic novel collection of fairy tales which works on many levels, and will appeal to many readers. As a scary story, it delivers. Each of the five stories taps into something instinctively frightening. Like the best scary tales, they're about the things glimpsed at the edge of your vision, the noises at night that you can't explain, and the secrets hidden behind the faces of those you think you know. There's enough classic archetype to trigger universal fears, but the specifics of each story are new, so you won't feel like you're just reliving a scare you've already read. You'll find something new to disturb you, as you reach to turn out the light and face the darkness.
From the fairy tale perspective, Through the Woods is a delight. It's not just a retelling, with the same familiar tropes and characters. There will be no comforting sense of familiarity even as the tale is twisted and shaped into a new form. Instead, this collection will remind you why you fell in love with fairy tales in the first place. You will never again be a first time Grimms reader, but there are still new stories being told. Read this under the covers, or go for a walk afterwards, alone, at night. If you dare...
And lastly, as a graphic novel: I loved the illustrations here, and the way the text wove itself onto the page. At first glance, the art seemed grim and creepy but a little juvenile. Then once I got into the story, I realized how perfectly suited the art is to the text, and all my reservations vanished. For illustrated horror or just for a graphic novel where art and text are perfectly matched, I highly recommend Through the Woods.
This would also be a great pic for junior high kids who like a scary story. Under the spoiler tag, you will find more content details so you can decide appropriateness for yourself.
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Kimberly Cole likes to take walks at night, but makes sure to watch out for wolves. She's a fifteen year library and bookstore veteran. Find more reviews on Goodreads and follow to keep up with current reads.